The Chapter holds four meetings per year. The meetings are currently held on the second Tuesday of the months of February, April, September, and November. Dates and time occasionally vary. For the most current information consult our calendar or contact us.
At each meeting we conduct DAR business and committee reports on activities planned. We also have an informative program on a subject of interest. Examples of past programs are
- A visit to the Green County Genealogical Society Library
- A visit to the Lafayette County Historical Society Museum and County Courthouse
- A collection of fashion dolls hand crafted by a local Monroe artist
- A discussion of the DAR National Museum with virtual tour
- A presentation on the religious beliefs of the Founding Fathers
- The history of Boy Scouts
- The restoration of stained glass windows at the Green County Historical Society
- Stories of various of our members ancestors
- Thomas Jefferson’s “Grand Plan” to populate the Midwest and the formation of Wisconsin
- How to make Ukrainian eggs
Chapter Outings
In addition to our four meetings that include a program, we organize more casual gatherings for fun, and community service projects.
- Visited the memorial plaque erected by the Rhoda Hinsdale Chapter in honor of the Battle of the Pecatonica at “Bloody Lake” in the nearby Lafayette County Park, and the grave site marked by this chapter, and the Sons of the American Revolution, of Robert Bailey, in Shook’s Prairie Cemetery.
- Visited Milton House in Brodhead, enjoyed their tour and lunch at a nearby restaurant.
- Cleaned headstones in area cemeteries
- Attended New Glarus Fall Festival and stopped at Culvers for a treat.
Wisconsin DAR State Outings
Representatives from every chapter in the state gather annually to meet and discuss topics of interest, and conduct business. The State Regent presides and there are guest speakers and a formal dinner. The President General attends once in her three year term of office. Chapter regents, officers, and members also attend.
Statewide event of workshops and training sessions on various topics to keep the chapters informed.
National DAR Outings
The National Society gathers in Washington DC for ceremonies and business each year. Members are encouraged to attend. The meeting is held at DAR Headquarters. Speakers are usually of national stature.
Chapter Projects
Our chapter projects support the State and National Society objectives.
- Administer the DAR Good Citizens Award and Essay contest in local schools
- Publicize and celebrate Constitution Week
- Sponsor Special Projects Grants in our communities
- Collect items for military
- Support our local historical societies
- Consider local persons for DAR awards
- Hold and participate in lineage workshops
- Support the Fort Winnebago Surgeon’s Quarters, historic property owned by WSDAR